Welcome to AceLinQ

A Free Safe and Seamless Contact Gaining Platform

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User Tags

Users you havent downloaded or never previously interacted with
Users you have added to a VCard and downloaded their contact
Has You
Users who have added you to a VCard and downloaded your contact
Private Users who are yet to accept your VCard Request
Private Users who have accepted your VCard request but are yet to be downloaded by you
This means both you and the User have downloaded each others contact in a VCard
Users who have Privacy (Request Only) turned on and cannot be downloaded instantly
Indicates the User gender as Male
Indicates the User Gender as Female


False Account

Please note that choosing a false account type or gender will lead to Ban and future restricted access to the platform.

Private Users

Users with Privacy (Request Only) enabled will not be added to the initial VCard file, All Pending Requests will be automatically rejected 48 hours after being sent.


Creating multiple accounts will lead to permanent ban from the platform and all of its services.

Get Started

Still need help?

Our support services are always happy to help. Contact us during standard business hours or email us 24/7 and we'll get back to you.